
Tabletop Adventure Game

Archives, Journals, Chronicles, and Notes


"On our fourth day out of Magnimar, we heard ’em singing. I never heard anything to match it, nor likely will again. Their voices were so high an’ sweet, like songbirds given lyrics. Everyone on deck heard ’em, and we all rushed to the gunnel to peer into the fog. The mists parted, and there they were, as beautiful as they sounded. Hair like silk, eyes like gems, prettier than any maidens with feet I’d ever seen.
"They stopped singing straightaway and were under the water and gone with a flash of their tails. I almost asked the captain to wait, to give us a minute to lure them back out, but then one of them looked back at me before slipping ’neath the waves, and her eyes didn’t look like sapphires no more. They were daggers of ice, set to skewer me clean through. We turned and hauled away as fast as fast, and I’ll be glad if I never see them waters again."

  — From the log of Cheriss Tar, swab on the Westerly Swell

Archives and Files

Written information and intelligence collected. This intel can provide insight into motivations, fill in background events, and provide instruction or tips to playing the campaign.

Talasantri Points of Interest by District

    Click to Show/Hide District POI's:
  • Threadfin District: This district holds most of the common residents in the city, with the few stores found there providing everyday goods and groceries.
    • A Bit of Everything (Run by: Opuo) - This general store also serves as a pawnshop.
    • Five Fins (Run by: Kelia) - Five Fins is the most popular tavern in the Threadfin District.
    • Margela's Brews (Run by: Margela Duskcurrent) - Locals know this unmarked shop is the home of an elderly aquatic elf who makes a living serving specialty kelp brews in her parlor.
    • Restful Shore (Run by: Minastalla) - The only inn in the city the city equipped to provide comforable accommodations to surfacers.
    • Seahorse Stage (Run by: Quelyon) - This small theater provides a place for Threadfin REsidents to enjoy plays and concerts.
  • Seamount District: The wealthy and aristocratic citizens of Talasantri make their homes here, where houses are much larger and have a more planned architectural style.
    • Cerulean Cove (Run by: Cerulean) - Only members, or those vouched for by members, are allowed into this luxurious drinking hall.
    • City Hall (Run by: Rillkimatai) - In the center of Talasantri stands the city hall, a long rectagular building fronted by a large plaza.
    • House of Crystal Waters (Run by: Seraban) - Hundreds of sparkling crystals embed the walls of this temple to Gozreh's female form.
    • Stargrass Hall (Run by: Vatoya) - The pillars that flank this enormous theater are completely covered in twining stargrass, delicate star-shaped yellow flowers sprouting from deep-green vines.
    • Treasures of the Sea (Run by: Derrona) - While most merchants have their shops in the Whalefall District, Derrona opened her magical jewelry shop in Seamount.
  • Whalefall District: Whalefall is the smalles of Talasantri's districts, but it is densely packed with stores, workshops, and artist's galleries, with several taking advantage of the district's limited reliable high-temperature heat sources.
    • Arcanical Tower (Run by: Vhenarryn) - The tower is the home and laboratory of Vhennaryn, a talented wizard who has assigned herself the title of Arcanic Researcher.
    • Boneworks (Run by: Vesshyo) - The owner of this workshop and gallery works exclusively in bone.
    • Loryl's Barter (Run by: Loryl) - This shop is a mishmash of general survival gear, minor magic items, potions, and weapons, with regular surface trade supplying alcohol and metal weaponry.) -
    • Many to One (Run by: Urmygh) - This gallery displays the work of a popular artist, whose other works also hand in both City Hall and Cerulean Cove.
    • Shell & Stylus (Run by: Echono) - This shop provides an alternative to standard and unwieldy techniques of writting via engraving on stone tablets, this shop sells underwater paper, bioluminescent ink, and a unique alchemically treated stylus.
  • The Undertow: The natural caverns beneath Talasantri were long ago decreed too unstable to build within, and the entrances were sealed. IT is an open secret, however, that criminal organizations now inhabit these caverns, beyond the reach of the city guard.
    • Blue-Ringed Tavern (Run by: Cenath) - Named for the deadly octopus, this tavern is set in one of the smaller cavern's off the Fathom Bazaar.
    • Bodd's Oddds (Run by: Bodderoh) - This tiny pawnshop caters to the poorest of Talasantri, ans its wares are little more than junk.
    • Fathom Bazar (Run by: Jurix) - Most of the Undertow is a large bazaar in a central cavern. Illegal goods (including drugs, poisons, stolen items, and cursed or vile magic items) are available to buy and sell alongside ordinary goods, sold by merchants who wish to avoid Talasantri's taxes and the cost of maintaining a storefront.
    • Queen's Palace (Run by: Jurix) - Black coral, broken marble statues, pillars from ancient ruins, and timber from shipwrecks form the walls of this imperious structure.
    • Shadow's Den (Run by: Tirak & Ixena) - When denizens of the Undertow need the services of a cleric but don't want to draw attention to themselves, they visit the Shadow's Den.

Maps of Arcadia, Ancorato, and Surrounding Islands and Settlements

Click on a Map for Fullscreen

Maps of Claimed/Cleared Structures and Points of Interest.

Click on a Map for Fullscreen

Recovered Journals and Documents

Notable excerpts from journals, letters, documents, and magical intel recovered from expeditions.

Insert Handout p.21

The Green Book

Talmandor's Bounty Chronicle and Weekly Gazette