
Tabletop Adventure Game

Ancorato and the Shattered Continent

Talmandor's Bounty

Talmandor's Bounty Charter

Colony Size: Small Town

Governor: Ramona Advanth

Marshall: Lt. Grammel Taychar

Councilor: Carver Hastings

High Priests: Fathers Caranth & Nurpico

Treasurer: Carathet Maluis

Secretary: Perell Beys

Scout: Lyra Heatherly

"I'm afraid I must cut my expedition into this harsh, broken land short. Hundreds of islands remain from the once-great continent of Azlant, and hints of that magnificent empire still lie out in the open in some places. I’ve gathered what I can carry, but I’m afraid I had to leave many things behind. Eight of my porters fell ill and died a week after making landfall, the captain of the ship I chartered lost patience and left me stranded here, and I ran out of the rations I brought nine days ago. I must find my own way back home. If my understanding of Azlanti is accurate, I believe that I can use this shimmering metallic arch (which is in surprisingly excellent condition) and teleport up to three thousand miles away. I just need to find the right way to activate it. I have to make it back to Absalom in one piece; many people are going to want to read these chronicles."
  - Excerpt from the Pathfinder Chronicles, Volume 1, Durvin Gest at Ancorato.

Talmandor's Bounty

Talmandor's Bounty is thriving but highly isolated trade port in ruined Azlant, on the Island of Ancorato.

Colony Stores

Carrolby's Courtly Ranch

Harcourt Carrolby

Carrolby's Courtly Ranch

Buys and sells regular and exotic animals, gear, and vehicles, as well as magical rods and staves.

Special Stock: +1 (Huge) Animal Barding (Chain Shirt)

Halway Here Tradin' Post


Halway Here Tradin' Post

Buys and sells most adventuring gear, books, furniture, locks, tools, and religious items, as well as scrolls and wands.

Boon: With the death of Kalcora Weems, the trading post isn't managed as effectively, being run by a few members of the community. They pay only 25% value for items, never carry special stock, and only has half the likelyhood of carrying a particular item.

Hide and Brace

Antwyn Malros

Hide and Brace

Buys and sells armor.

Special Stock: +1 Spell-Storing Breatplate

Marooned Melancholy

Helbret Koors

Marooned Melancholy

Sells his craft beers - Koors and Koors Light - as well as food, drink and some occasional random magical items.

Special Stock: Azlanti +1 Spring-Spear*; Azlanti Ring of the Dolphin*

Talmandor's Bounty Chapel

Father's Eamon and Kurvis

Talmandor's Bounty Chapel

Provides limited religious and spellcasting services. Father Eamon typically offers healing (first come-first serve) as well as counseling, dating, matchmaking, and marriage services freely. Father Kurvis typically charges for his services (healing, legal, and spellcasting).

Father Eamon sets members of the expedition team up on dates each week, granting one pc a dual social round with a +2 bonnus with the colonist he's paired them with.

Special Stock: Holy Water and spellcasting components - diamond dust, silver dust, etc.

Talmandor's Smithy

Luetin Calewick

Talmandor's Smithy

Buys and sells weapons and shields.

Special Stock: +1 Halfling Sling-Staff; +1 Light Fortification Heavy Darkwood Shield

Thread Rare

Eskelda Teredein

Thread Rare

Buys and sells clothing, containers, rings, and most wonderous magical items.

Boons: Eskelda provides her stiching and mending services freely, and can swiftly repair any damaged or ruined clothing or cloth-based magic item.

Special Stock: Cloak of the Manta Ray; Pauldrons of the Watchful Lion

Volcanic Glass

Alba Divenvaar

Volcanic Glass

Buys and sells potions, alchemical items, reagents, and magical crafting supplies. Commisions are limited by her known formulae.

Boons: She is willing to buy reagents at 50% value, potions at 75% value (split profit), and will pay full price for arcane spells and formulae she can learn (adds to her spellbook). She can also take commissions.

Special Stock: Potion of Magic Fang (CL1)

Boons: Is willing to sell the expedition teams potions in her store, allowing them to sell them for 75%.

Important Colonists

Color Code: Blue = Helpful; Light Green = Friendly; White = Indifferent; Light Red = Unfriendly; Black = Hostile - Approach with Caution

Colony Leadership

Security Forces

Colony Shopkeeps

Colonists in Good Standing