Roll for Initiative!
Yokota AB Pathfinder Group

How this works
You have been selected for a very important expedition to the lost continent of Azlant! After hearing of the expedition, you applied for adventure, and those responsible for organizing the expedition selected you to join other colonists to stake claim to an island named Ancorato in the Arcadian Ocean.
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This site is provided as a resource for players and is maintained directly and manually by the GM. This site is designed for use with the Council of Thieves adventure path.
- Follow the tabs in the navigation bar to find:
- Home: Campaign, character, and site details.
- Character Creation: Details regarding requirements, limitations, and recomendations for creating characters in this campaign.
- Colonists: Biographies and descriptions of all player and non-player colonists.
- Honored Dead: Ad memoriam for the fallen and the slain.
- Treasures: Detailed information on unique or exotic treasures uncovered.
- Chronicles: Player, world, character, and mission information uncovered or recorded.
- Colony: Detailed Information on Talmandor's Bounty and loctions in and charts of Ancorato and the Shattered Continent.
- Rules of the Deep: A one-stop FAQ location regarding underwater rules and interactions.
Campaign Details
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Campaign Traits
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Roleplaying a Sea Dweller on Land
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Roleplaying a Land Dweller Under the Sea
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Knowledge Breakdown
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Azlanti Archeology
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Ruins of Azlant: Climate and Geography of Arcadia

The region mapped here is only the eastern edge of the shattered continent. After sailing for 1,000 miles due west from Mediogalti Isle, this is the first region one comes across. At roughly 30° N latitude, Ancorato and nearby islands have a humid subtropical climate.
While temperatures in the region can reach 100° F, for the most part the temperature ranges from the low 70s to the high 90s. The air is humid, and when it's hot, it often feels like every breath is forcibly swallowed rather than comfortably inhaled. The temperature in the region rarely drops below freezing, and when it does, it’s only for a few hours during the night. While generally wet—as daily rain showers sprinkle the region in the afternoons for periods of time lasting from 20 minutes to an hour a day—the region sees a potential for violent storms, especially in the late-summer to late-fall months. Winters tend to be dry.
This part of the former Azlanti continent was a largely hilly and mountainous region that had the wide and ancient Kelveth River flowing through it. This region was situated roughly 60 miles inland from the eastern shore of lost Azlant, where the rolling hills gradually fell to grassy wetlands before reaching the coast.
Today, the shattered remnants of the highest peaks in the region are the only things that remain above water, weathered by time and forever changed. These islands rise sharply out of the Arcadian Ocean, and their beaches are as likely to be rocky as they are to have thin sandy strips ringing them. The islands sport numerous bays and coves suitable for landing many types of ships, but deep bays capable of allowing large vessels to dock right up to land are rare.
The waters surrounding these islands are not as deep as those in other parts of the Arcadian Ocean, reaching only a few hundred feet at the deepest. Farther away from this region, the seafloor drops a few thousand feet.
The islands here support a rich ecology. Thousands of species of birds, insects, mammals, and reptiles make their homes here, and cephalopods, crustaceans, and fish swim in the surrounding waters in great numbers.
While some palm trees grow along the shores of the islands, the vast majority of plant life is inland, where forests of pines as well as deciduous trees such as oaks span the rolling landscape. Palmettos and shrubs cover the forest floors where light penetrates in warm beams through the humid air, and some islands boast dense mangrove forests along their coasts. Tangled clumps of moss dangle from the sprawling branches of ancient oaks, and the smell of pine sap hangs in the air during warm months alongside the buzz of insects.
Numerous fruiting trees grow in the region, providing the inhabitants of the islands access to well-rounded nutrition, with the area around Talmandor's bounty sharing space with magnolia, palmetto, pecan, mango, and papaya trees in abundance. An individual can readily forage enough to survive for a day, even in the coldest of months — the only thing lacking would be variety.
Although the soil in some parts of the region is hostile to farming, the majority of the islands can support agriculture. The biggest challenges in farming in this region are areas of rocky soil that are difficult to plow and places where the elevation makes large-plot farming more labor intensive than usual. The climate allows for a long growing season, and most foods, other than fresh fruits and vegetables, can be stored in cellars for the long term.
Despite generally favorable conditions, unexpected exceptions arise due to remnants of strange Azlanti magic, unconventional migrations, or leftovers from previous visits to the region by far-flung travelers. This area has had 10,000 years in which to redevelop its ecology—plenty of time for new inhabitants to rise up, fall into decline, completely die out, and be replaced by something else.