Among the most powerful objects in existence, these often-unique magic items cannot be created by mortal means and are not easily destroyed.While you have found no artifacts yet, do not be discouraged - most never set eyes on one in their lifetime.
Relics and Legacies
Occupying a space somewhere between artifacts and magical items, relics are powered by Zeitgeist.Each relic was once a typical magic item that played a central role in a massively important event, increasing dramatically in potency as it drew power from its shaping of fate. As relics fade into obscurity and stories of them cease to be told, they wane in both power and potency. Typically, to restore a Relic to its full majesty, it must be used to accomplish a number of triumphs as stories are told of it anew. However, certain relics may be reawakened to its former glory by being used to fight the same evils they once faced while being wielded by one who is worthy of it.
The bearer does not need to know how to become worthy of a relic to reawaken it to its glory, but they always must be wielding the item when they accomplish its prescribed worthiness task. A reawakened relic only manifests its full glory to those who are worthy of it. Spellcraft may be used to identify the worthiness task in the same manner as determining an items curse (typically DC 25+CL).
Blade of the Blood Feud

First recovered by Sharrowsmith from an old dwarven mine, this dull looking machete is with the seal of a long-dead dwarven clan and lies ready to draw blood in service to an ancient design. It's steel doesn't lend itself to either polish or the grindstone, as if the blade deliberately wants to look non-threatening.
This +1 rival-bane machete applies the bane property against agents directly employed by a rival faction. To qualify as a rival faction, the leaders of both factions must acknowledge the other as a bitter blood-rival and a threat, with a direct financial incentive to eliminating the competitor; merely desiring the destruction of one-another is not enough. Additionally, this blade provides a +2 circumstance bonus on all survival checks, instead of the normal +1 on checks to get along in the wild.
Worthiness Task: ???
Worthiness Task: Eliminate a rival leader with an ironic fate worse than death.
Shield of Acavna

This azlanti shield contains a large moonstone in the center surrounded by bronze inlaid with gold depictions of crossed spears as well as the acavnan aphorism "The brave do not live forever; the cautious do not live at all."
This +2 quickdraw light bronze shield is as hard as steel (but immune to rust) and is only held in the hand, being as easy to stow as it is to draw. This shield counts as a holy symbol of Acavna, as well as of any deity granted their divine spark through the starstone (namely Aroden, Iomedae, Cayden Calien, and Norberger).
All creatures within 30 feet of a visible Shield of Acavna are treated as though they can see both the
full moon and the open night's sky.
As an immediate action 1/day, the bearer may take a 5ft. step and enter the square of an ally being
attacked to interpose themselves, forcing the attack to resolve against their touch AC instead. This must be
done before the result of the attacker's roll is revealed. If this attack was not the result of the ally's
movement, after resolving the attack, the ally may either spend an immediate action to take a 5ft. step into
the bearer's former square, fall prone, or force the bearer to fall prone.
Worthiness Task: Interpose yourself on behalf of an ally using the Shield of Acavna against an attack that was a critical threat, which deals enough damage to you that it subjects you to massive damage and would have killed them outright. This may make you worthy even if it kills you, though you would still be dead. If you ever murder a helpless innocent, you stop being worthy of this item and can never become worthy of it.
Glory: Further powers of the Shield of Acavna will be revealed when it is wielded by someone worthy of it.

This elegant, short-hafted trident appears to be made from razor-sharp coral. A jade serpent wraps around the haft of the weapon before being impaled on the haft's spiked foot.
Seaspike is treated as a light weapon for the purposes of Weapon Finesse and other similar abilities, and may be wielded as either a trident or a shortspear with the +1 animal bane special abilities. If a monstrous humanoid attempts to wield Seaspike, they automatically drop the weapon at the end of their turn.
Last, the wielder of Seaspike gains a bonus to fortitude saving throws against poison equal to twice the weapons enhancement bonus.
Worthiness Task: The wielder must recover from three different poisons while holding this weapon, without other aid. Intentionally exposing themselves to poison does not apply for this ability. If the wielder ever uses poison against another, they become unworthy of Seaspike.
Glory: Seaspike's enhancement bonus increases to +3, and its bane special quality also applies against
any serpent, including serpentine monstrous humanoids and magical beasts (at the GM's discretion).
As a standard action, the wielder may attempt a single melee or thrown ranged attack with seaspike to
embed their weapon in their target. If this special attack hits, in addition to doing normal damage, the
target must make a reflex save with a DC = 10 + the amount the attack roll exceeded the targets AC. If they
fail, they become entangled by the weapon. If the target is a serpentine creature, they also take a penalty to
natural attacks equal to Seaspike's effective enhancement bonus until the weapon is removed.
Special: If the wielder has vital strike, this special attack action counts as vital strike.