
Tabletop Adventure Game

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Nothing... yet. Be on the lookout for treasure at every turn, you never know what may be hiding in a closet, on a high shelf, or disguised as ordinary furniture.

Relics and Legacies

Each relic was once a typical magic item that played a central role in a massively important event, increasing dramatically in potency as it drew power from its shaping of fate. Occupying a space somewhere between artifacts and magical items, relics are powered by Zeitgeist, using their storied history to enhance their powers, but as relics fade into obscurity and stories cease to be told, they wane in both power and potency. Typically, to restore a Relic to its full majesty, it must be used to accomplish a number of triumphs as stories are told of it anew. However, certain relics may be reawakened to its former glory by being used to fight the same evils they once faced by one who is worthy of it.

The bearer does not need to know how to become worthy of a relic to reawaken it to its glory, but they always must be wielding the item when they accomplish its prescribed worthiness task. A reawakened relic only manifests its full glory to those who are worthy of it. Spellcraft may be used to identify the worthiness task in the same manner as determining an items curse (typically DC 25+CL).



This elegant, short-hafted trident appears to be made from razor-sharp coral. A jade serpent wraps around the haft of the weapon before being impaled on the haft's spiked foot.

Seaspike is treated as a light weapon for the purposes of Weapon Finesse and other similar abilities, and may be wielded as either a trident or a shortspear with the +1 animal bane special abilities. If a monstrous humanoid attempts to wield seaspike, they automatically drop the weapon at the end of their turn.

Last, the wielder of Seaspike gains a bonus to fortitude saving throws against poison equal to twice the weapons enhancement bonus.

Worthiness Task: The wielder must recover from three different poisons while holding this weapon, without other aid. Intentionally exposing themselves to poison does not apply for this ability. If the wielder ever uses poison against another, they become unworthy of seaspike.

Glory: Further powers of Seaspike will be revealed when it is wielded by someone worthy of it.

Storied Magical Items