
Tabletop Adventure Game

What do we Think we know?

City of the Seven Spears

 “I led them right into the army ants nests I found near the camp, and those stupid Pathfinders never even saw it coming. They just screamed as the ants ate them alive. But I wasn't about to share the greatest discovery of all time with them - I'm the one who led them here, after all, once we'd left the rest of them behind to be killed by those crazed ape-men. I can hear something moving around outside now, but I'll start heading back to civilization tomorrow. Saventh-Yhi is mine, and I'm taking full credit for discovering it!”
  — Final entry in the journal of Nareem Daress, Guide to the Alinthorpe Expedition"

Earl Vibius

Leader Details: Earl Ortho Vibius

Appearance: Middle aged and mildly foppish, His Honorable Lordship Vibius is a confirmed batchelor of both wealth and station. At all times, he is dressed impeccably and acts with decorum, though he imperiously eyes the jungle with a combination of fright and disgust. His nobility has afforded him a fantastic education, yet he retains an insatiable curiosity for the unknown, often asking pointed questions after concluding with pleasantries.

The largest benefactor to the Gold Crown Shipping and Mining Company (G.C.S.), Earl Vibius typically pays them enough money to operate for a year in exchange for brief explorations of the Stasis Fields in th Bandu Hills, though he doesn't seem to do anything with the reports that return to him. Not a field man, he is funding the expedition entirely out of his own pocket, purely for the pursuit of knowledge, of course.

Action Plan: Rediscover the lost city of Saventh-Yhi (First!)

Having signed on with the Gold Crown Shipping and Mining Company (G.C.S.), the castaways from the Smuggler’s Shiv have found an ally in the wealthy benefactor of Earl Ortho Vibius. He is personally funding an expedition to Saventh-Yhi via the G.C.S. with very clear objectives. With other interested factions also en-route, it is imperative the G.C.S. reaches and claims Saventh-Yhi first, especially before the Rivermen's Guild (their longtime rival).

The objectives of the expedition are uncommon. While they intend to mine out gold and artifacts from the city to recover the cost of the expedition, the primary goal is to find the lost Sixth Army of Exploration, who supposedly found Saventh-Yhi before being annihilated. This makes the recovery of their lost artifacts, and discovering information regarding their path and disappearance, paramount. Particularly any items or information involving Grand Prince Cyricas, the legendary Worldbreaker, noble explorers of the sixth army, or the route of the army, should be reported.

The expedition is being fully outfitted and will travel roughly 1 day behind the trailblazers, with scouts and messengers operating in front of, around, and between the two parties.

A new spiritual advisor still needs to be procured.

    In addition to their signing bonus, each trailblazer will also be provided with any of the following:
  • A combat-trained mount of their choice that they can ride, equipped with a masterwork saddle and saddle-bags. Mount options include the Horse, Camel, or Zebra (large), and the Antelope, Pony, and Ridding Dog (medium). Certain Mount Companions may also be provided, including the Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Lion, Pygmy Elephant, Rhinoceros, Tiger, or Triceratops.
  • Explorer's gear including: An Explorer's Outfit, Bedroll, Blanket, Flint and Steel, Masterwork Backpack, Mess Kit,. A (one) Cooking kit, Dunegeoneering Kit, Healer's Kit, Mapmaker's Kit, and large tent are also provided to the party.

Recovered Documents

You haven't found anything yet. But don't worry, you'll make that perception check -eventually-

Session Logs