Kadena AB Pathfinder Group
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

How this works
“The jungles don’t recognize time. To them, every year is the same year: one of birth, and of death. The plants and beasts care little for the works of man, but those cities are there — oh yes, they’re there. Toppled spires of stone and stepped pyramids heavy with vines, their golden altars now roosts for chattering macaws. Inside, magnificent chambers stand empty, and those temples that aren’t abandoned are the worst yet — for the things that can survive a thousand years of silence are things best left undisturbed. The great cities, like their mysterious builders, have been forgotten. In time, they will be reclaimed completely by the jungle. As will we all, one day.”— Shem Ervismor, Eyes in the Dark: My Life in the Expanse
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This site is meant as a resource for my players and is maintained directly and manually by the GM. This site
is for use with the Serpents Skull adventure path.
If you're a player in this game and you haven't yet, visit the Character Creation tab to get started!
Welcome to the adventure, and may Pharasma have mercy on your soul.
- Follow the tabs in the navigation bar to find:
- Home: Campaign and site details
- Character Creation: Details regarding how to create a character for this campaign.
- Discoveries: Details on information, magic items, and people encountered or recovered throughout the campaign.
- Explorers: Details regarding living and dead player characters, missions, campaign traits, and the strange powers or occurrences affecting them.
- Profiles: Details regarding all known allied, neutral, rival, enemy, or dead people and factions.
- Surveys: A record and map of locations visited, along with a review of the party's current location.
- Travel Log: A collection of discovered biographies and stories, and a running journal on the events of the adventure so-far.
- Jungle Law: Rules details for playing at the table, in this campaign, and in the jungle.
Campaign Details
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Knowledge Breakdown
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The 10 Commandments of Tomb Raiding
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Tribes of the Frontier
- Click to Fold-up the Native Tribes' Forward:
- While colonists find it difficult to distinguish between the various tribes and ethno-linguistic groups in Mwangi, the local tribespeople recognize distinctions every bit as definitive as those between Ulfen and Taldan - and most all of them bristle at being lumped together colloquially as simply "natives." Those that interact with them frequently realize there are six major heritages within the blanket Mwangi ethnicity, each containing a handful of dominant tribes:
- Bekyar - The Raiders:
- Bonuwat - the Seafaring:
- Caldaru - the Chosen:
- Mauxi - the Mysterious:
- Vidric - the Naturalized:
- Zenj - the People:
- Click to Catalogue the Remaining Native Tribes:
Locations across the Mwangi Expanse
Where We Are Now: The Korir River

Known to the locals simply as "The River," this river flows through the entirety of the Mwangi Expanse, flowing down from the shattered range, through the jungles and hills, past countless ruined civilizations, and emptying in to the ocean to the west through large delta's. The word "Korir" is a portmanteau of the polyglot words for Serpent's Tears, suggesting a river that is winding, sorrowful, and endless. The large number of waterfalls and rapids coupled with the jungle terrain make both navigation and portaging difficult, and while this does reduce the number of crocodiles, hippopotamuses, and enchanted dolphins frequently encountered, it does have the added threat of large snakes dropping on passing prey from branches hanging over the river.
Few explorers dare navigate the waters all the way to the shattered range, and none have successfully managed to bridge the gap and sail from one end of the continent to the other. While the shattered range is the most obvious perilous obstacle, most explorers get lost just traveling through the screaming jungle, with its heavy daily rains, low obscuring fog, endless chattering monkeys, and heavy dreams which pull people into fevered nightmares and sleeping sickness. Fatigue takes many, and eventually, sleep takes all. It is said that all people dream of the jungle and its treasures...
Destination: Ruins of Tazion

The ruins of Tazion stand as a remnant of a forgotten age, an outpost of ancient Azlant lost in the southern Mwangi Jungle. Little remains within its walls, with most of the settlement having crumbled or been buried centuries before. The majority of Tazion’s structures remain unidentifiable. Centuries of weathering and erosion have transformed the once-splendid architecture into little more than scattered stones, curious topography, and fetid tar pits. Few could have ever suspected that the ruins possess the key to finding the lost city of Saventh-Yhi, and its secrets are ripe for the taking.
Rumor says that a tribe of ape-men, known as charau-ka, now inhabit the ruins, though they wouldn't share its secrets in the unlikely event they discovered any. From the ruins, they have reportedly established a temple in the shape of a serpent's skull; this temple is now the ape-men’s main encampment, where they gather to share information and deposit relics they have found in the ruins as offerings to their new snake-god.
The Charau-Ka are dangerous, xenophobic abominations, whose very name translates from polyglot to "Beware-Them," though it is unclear if they are named after the phrase, or if the phrase exist because of the abominations. As mysterious as they are dangerous, and as fetid as they are strong, it is unwise to try to communicate with them, as while semi-intelligent, they are unlikely to speak unless they can use speaking to bait their victims into a trap. Those who find themselves encircled by Charau-Ka frequently take their own lives to prevent capture, out of fear of being brutalized and transformed into another of their kind.
Sargava at a Glance

Beset by devil-binding pilgrims and inescapable debts to pirate lords, as well as generations of resentment from the nation’s subjugated indigenous peoples, the colony of Sargava remains a bastion of northern culture and civilization in the heart of the southern wilds. Once part of a vast and mighty empire long since fallen to dust, as evidenced by the crumbling ruins still lurking beneath the veneer of lush farmland and verdant jungle, Sargava’s rich landscape is home to fierce Mwangi natives and even fiercer predators of the deep jungle, as well as a dwindling population of northern colonials who seek to uphold their ideals of culture and breeding at all cost, straining against the tides of resentment that may soon sweep them into the sea and return the land to its original owners.
Founded over 500 years ago by Prince Haliad I as part of Cheliax’s expansionist Everwar, Sargava stood as the jewel of the empire for centuries. But when Aroden died, the empire was thrown into chaos, and Sargava’s ruler backed the wrong house in the Chelish Civil War. House Thrune took control of Cheliax and sent a flotilla of warships to retake the colony that had supported their enemy in the bloody conflict. Grand Custodian Grallus anticipated the onslaught, however, and made a fateful alliance with the Free Captains of the Shackles. Swooping out of Desperation Bay to pounce on the unsuspecting Chelish Navy, the pirates’ superior fleet swiftly ended the threat to their southern neighbor, and extracted a mighty price from Sargava for their efforts. To this day, vast portions of Sargava’s wealth flow into the Free Captains’ coffers for past assistance and assurance of continued naval protection.
Financially weakened by the Free Captains’ high demands and cut off from many of their former trade partners to the north, Sargava faces an even larger threat from within. The native Mwangi people, inspired by the teachings of a mysterious, undead child-god in the nearby city-state of Mzali, move ever closer to open rebellion to free themselves from colonial rule. While Cheliax no longer has an official stake in Sargava’s government, the colonial Sargavan minority maintains control of the vastly larger native population. But the natives know that they have the resources of the entire Mwangi Expanse at their backs, and that Grand Custodian Utilinus’s government is in a poor position to quell a rebellion.