
Tabletop Adventure Game

What do we Think we know?

 “Of course we leapt through the portal. With those bone devils closing in, we figured anywhere was better than Hell. We were wrong.
“Cairson died in the Void before we’d even conjured a light. Meli was trying to rouse him when his wraith took her—reached right into her chest and stopped her heart. The rest of us drove it off, but by that point the chill of death was in our bones. Then Jewel… well, she’d spent a year apprenticed to a necromancer, so she tried to end it quick. I still wonder what she would have called the babbling thing that rose from her corpse.
“So I went back through the portal. Surrendered to the inquisitors. Even in Hell there’s hope. In the Nothing, there’s just… nothing.”
— Langnam of Absalom, slave of Dis"

The Nothing

Helpful Information and Advice

The following information can help with creating your characters and keeping them alive, as well as provide insight into motivations, fill in background events, and provide instruction or tips for playing the campaign.

Villainous Biographies

Relic Histories and Heroic Biographies

Recovered Documents

Session Logs