Roll for Initiative!
Yokota AB Pathfinder Group

Organization Details
Name: Freedom Underground Network
Titles: Sparks
Uniform: Red Hood, Gold Armband
Calling Card: F.U.N. Wooden Coin
Fame: 30
Infamy: 4
Heroic Acts: 19
Popularity: 26
Renown: "Local Heroes"
How this works
Thrown into chaos after the death of the god Aroden, Cheliax found a new spiritual guide to help tame the resulting lawlessness and destruction—Asmodeus. Dominated today by the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, Cheliax is a land of inflexible order, like a rigid steel blade tempered in the fires of Hell. It is a land where nobility and virtue take second place to a ruthlessly imposed harmony. It is a place where talks of past glories are only whispered in the dark, where heroic ambitions are kept to oneself, and where normal people strive to blend into the safe anonymity of the crowd. It is here, in the country’s former capital of Westcrown, that the Council of Thieves Adventure Path takes shape.
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This site is provided as a resource for players and is maintained directly and manually by the GM. This site is designed for use with the Council of Thieves adventure path.
- Follow the tabs in the navigation bar to find:
- Home: Campaign, character, and site details.
- Ashes: Ad memorium for the fallen and the slain.
- Lights: Biographies and descriptions of all organization members.
- Populists: Biographies and descriptions of the city elite as well as persons of interest.
- Stash 'n Cache: Information, assets, trophies, and boons gathered or obtained.
- Westcrown: Descriptions, exposition, and maps of Westcrown locations within its walls and the surrounding area.
Campaign Details
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Campaign Traits
- Click to Show/Hide Trait Options: Players must choose ONE of these traits upon character creation:
- Click to Show/Hide Details on Deities and Religions in Westcrown:
Critical Local Customs
- Click to Show/Hide Details on local customs it is critical to understand:
Westcrown Noble Houses
- Click to Show/Hide Wiscrani Major Noble Houses by Order of Influence: Players may not be a member of these houses:
- Drovenge Ethnicity: Taldan; Beholden Families: Imvius, Lorialn, Xerysis; Head of House: Vassindio Drovenge
- Oberigo Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Aulamaxa, Ghivel, Tournos; Head of House: Eirtein Oberigo
- Salisfer Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Chillarth, Rustachas; Head of House: Ursion Salisfer
- Grulios Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Mironeth, Ici; Head of House: Asad Grulios
- Arvanxi Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Mhartis, Ciucci, Rasdovain, Drumanis; Head of House: Lord Mayor Aberian Arvanxi
- Julistarc Ethnicity: Taldan; Beholden Families: Seidraith, Cemaine, Strikis; Head of House: Ocatav Julistarc
- Dioso Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Jhaltero, Ucarlaar, Bolvona; Head of House: Scategi Dioso
- Tilernos Ethnicity: Taldan; Beholden Families: Starnon, Etrovain, Roccin; Head of House: Kajen Tilernos
- Phandros Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Chard, Nolmon; Head of House: Marcus Phandros
- Khollarix Ethnicity: Chelish; Beholden Families: Nymmis, Rufano; Head of House: Neradal Khollarix
- Rosala Ethnicity: Taldan; Beholden Families: Ulvauno, Atenaar; Head of House: Armon Rosala
- Mezinas Ethnicity: Taldan; Beholden Families: Vitaron, Missepe; Head of House: Aneran Victocora Mezinas
- Click to Show/Hide Wiscrani Minor Noble Houses: Players may choose to be members of these houses if not playing a slave-race:
- Atenaar: Beholden Unto: Rosala; Head of House: *** Atenaar
- Aulamaxa: Beholden Unto: Oberigo; Head of House: Eldonna Aulamaxa
- Bolvona: Beholden Unto: Dioso; Head of House: Durotas Scasi Bolvona
- Cemaine: Beholden Unto: Julistarc; Head of House: *** Cemaine
- Chard: Beholden Unto: Phandros; Head of House: Paralictor Gonville Chard
- Chillarth: Beholden Unto: Salisfer; Head of House: Iradanial Chillarth
- Ciucci: Beholden Unto: Arvanxi; Head of House: Guxer Ciucci
- Drumanis: Beholden Unto: Arvanxi; Head of House: Eccobar Drumanis
- Etrovain: Beholden Unto: Tilernos; Head of House: *** Etrovain
- Ghivel: Beholden Unto: Oberigo; Head of House: Vuiper Ghivel
- Ici: Beholden Unto: Grulios; Head of House: *** Ici
- Imvius: Beholden Unto: Drovenge; Head of House: Lorialn Imvius
- Jhaltero: Beholden Unto: Dioso; Head of House: Canton Jhaltero
- Lorialn: Beholden Unto: Drovenge; Head of House: Dowager Lorialn
- Mhartis: Beholden Unto: Arvanxi; Head of House: Duxotar Iltus Mhartis
- Mironeth: Beholden Unto: Grulios; Head of House: *** Mironeth
- Missepe: Beholden Unto: Mezinas; Head of House: *** Missepe
- Nolmon: Beholden Unto: Phandros; Head of House: *** Nolmon
- Nymmis: Beholden Unto: Khollarix; Head of House: Magneti Nymmis
- Rasdovain: Beholden Unto: Arvanxi; Head of House: Crosael Rasdovain
- Roccin: Beholden Unto: Tilernos; Head of House: Durotas Saria Roccin
- Rufano: Beholden Unto: Khollarix; Head of House: Halvin Rufano
- Rustachas: Beholden Unto: Salisfer; Head of House: Eigolo Rustachas
- Seidraith: Beholden Unto: Julistarc; Head of House: Hulio Seidraith
- Starnon: Beholden Unto: Tilernos; Head of House: *** Starnon
- Strikis: Beholden Unto: Julistarc; Head of House: Durotas Lhiana Strikis
- Tournos: Beholden Unto: Oberigo; Head of House: Durotas Tournos
- Ucarlaar: Beholden Unto: Dioso; Head of House: Tanessen Ucarlaar
- Ulvauno: Beholden Unto: Rosala; Head of House: Thesing Ulvauno
- Vitaron: Beholden Unto: Mezinas; Head of House: Sandano Vitaron
- Xerysis: Beholden Unto: Drovenge; Head of House: Pishaan Xerysis